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General Information

Name Information
Code: T106
Test Name, Short: HepB Core, Total, Anti-HBc Total (IgM & IgG)
A.K.A.: HepB Core, Total, Anti-HBc Total (IgM & IgG)
Matrix: Serum
Turnaround Time: Daily
Analytical Method: Chemiluminescence
Reportable - Test Results Type: The system reports Anti-HBc results in Index Values and as Reactive or Nonreactive. Samples with an initial value of < 0.50 Index are considered nonreactive for total antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen. • Reactive: Samples with an initial value ≥ 1.00 Index are considered reactive for total antibodies to Hepatitis B core antigen.
Units - Conventional: Text: Reactive/NonReactive

Specimen Information

Name Information
Min. Volume: 300 μL
Rejection Criteria: Improper labeling, Improper sample handling, Wrong sample type, Outside of stability, Inadequate specimen volume received, or Hemolyzed specimens.
Collection Instructions: See blood collections
Container: Serum • Handle all samples as if capable of transmitting disease.
Shipping Temperature: Ambient