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General Information

Name Information
Code: T480
Test Name, Short: CDT % , CDT%
Matrix: Serum Only
Turnaround Time: Daily
Analytical Method: CDT quantification of transferrin isoforms by electrophoresis is a technique used in clinical laboratories for screening samples from patients for chronic alcohol abuse. The CAPILLARYS has been developed to provide complete automation of this testing with fast separation and good resolution. In many respects, the methodology can be considered as an intermediary type of technique between classical zone electrophoresis and liquid chromatography.
Reportable - Test Results Type: Quantitative
Units - Conventional: %

Specimen Information

Name Information
Min. Volume: 200 µl
Rejection Criteria: Improper labeling, Improper sample handling, Wrong sample type, Outside of stability, Inadequate specimen volume received, or Hemolyzed specimens.
Collection Instructions: See blood collections
Collection Patient Prep: Fasting blood sample recommended
Container: Fresh serum samples are recommended for analysis Collect all blood samples in serum separator tubes, observing universal precautions for venipuncture. Allow samples to clot adequately before centrifugation.
Shipping Temperature: Ambient