Health & Wellness
The Heart of Wellness
Flexible Collections Options
Venipuncture Testing
Venipuncture blood evaluations offer comprehensive, customizable analysis of health status.
Dried Blood Spot Testing
Dried Blood Spot (DBS) testing pairs the convenience of finger-stick collection with the accuracy of lab based analysis*.
Microtainer Testing
Microtainer testing pairs the convenience of self-collection with the flexibility of a broad test menu. CRL has validated dozens of tests on microtainers, please contact us for a current menu.
Fecal Immuno-Chemical Testing
The American Cancer Society has lowered the recommended screening age for colorectal cancer to 45 years. For individuals who are unable or unwilling to undergo a colonoscopy, Fecal Immuno-Chemical Testing (FIT) testing can provide an alternative screening option.
AccessMyHealth is a secure, mobile, technology solution that was built to invite participants to view and interact with their biometric screening and lab data. As soon as results become available, the AccessMyHealth platform provides seamless on-demand access from any internet-connected device.
Biometric Screenings
At CRL, we know our screenings can truly transform people’s lives. We focus on each and every participant, ensuring that their screening experience is a positive one. Seamlessly planned and executed biometric screening events and multi-site coordination ensure that employers’ wellness experience is positive too.
CRL recognizes the importance of customization in delivering quality wellness programs. With flexible service options, we will meet your unique needs, whether they include efficiently managed and staffed screenings, custom reporting options, at-home testing solutions, or a combination of these.
- Population Management
- Screen Coordination
- Data Integration
Population Management
Health Assessments
Building on the truth of lab analysis, health assessment tools provide employee awareness of manageable health risk factors and lifestyle habits. A variety of customizable assessments are available both in paper and online formats.
Intervention & Management
Modifying risky behavior is vital to reducing healthcare costs. CRL and our partners provide effective behavioral change strategies for all individuals
Screen Coordination
CRL offers both national on-site and at-home testing options to help partners provide screening services for all employees. Large volume screenings are generally conducted on-site at an employer’s location. At-home testing options are available to accommodate employees who are unable to attend on-site screenings. Collection solutions include venipuncture draw and biometric collection.
On-Site Biometric Screenings
- Screenings in all 50 states (excluding Alaska & Hawaii)
- Dedicated Account Representative works with each partner to plan screenings from start to finish
- Coordination of biometric screening supplies
Data Integration
Personal health information and its secure handling are paramount in today’s technological landscape. We believe each and every participant is a life entrusted to our care, from the onset of a screening through protection of their personal health information. As a result, we provide leading data security combined with nimble sharing of sensitive information with approved Partners.
Secure, Consistent and Complete Solutions
- Flexible integrated workflows
- Electronic ordering
- HL7 data transfers
- Online reporting
- XML web services
Interested in Working With CRL?
Contact us today to learn how we can work together to achieve your goals.