Industry-Leading Research
Employers & Toxicology
- Research Posters
- White Papers
- Abstracts
- Newsletters
- Book Chapters
- Scientific & Scholarly Publications
Research Posters
2024 SOFT Conference Posters
- CRL Testing Experience for Fentanyl in Oral Fluid
- Delta-8- and Delta-9-THC Carboxy Metabolites in Urine Drug Testing Specimens at CRL from 04.2023 to 01.2024
- Trends in Fentanyl Analysis in Workplace Urine Drug Testing at CRL
2022 SOFT Conference Posters
- Analytical Method for the Determination of 15 Cannabinoids in Urine by UHPLC-MSMS
- Identification and Quantitation of 13 Cannabinoids in Whole Blood by UHPLC MSMS
- Identification and Quantitation of 21 Cannabinoids in Neat Oral Fluid By UHPLC-MSMS
- Identification and Quantitation of Traditional and Designer Benzodiazepines in Urine by UHPLC-MSMS
- The Unseen Impact of Δ8-THC Products on the Regulated Drug Testing Industry
2023 SOFT Conference Posters
- Delta 8-THC Impact on Non-Regulated Marijuana Confirmation Testing Rates
- Determination of 18 Cannabinoids in Urine with Separation of 11-OH-THC Metabolites by UHPLC-MS/MS
- Separation of 11-Hydroxy-THC Metabolites and Quantitation of 18 Total Cannabinoids in Whole Blood by UHPLC-MS/MS
- A Comparison of the Performance of LC MS/MS Analytical Methods for Workplace Drugs of Abuse Testing Using Zero Grade Air and Nitrogen Gas
- Modification of Specimen Validity Testing Ranges in Non-Regulated Urine Testing
White Papers
- Summer of 2024 Effects on Invalid pH Sample Results
- Designer Benzodiazepines Panel
- Phosphatidylethanol PEth Overview
- The Synthetic Cannabinoids Evolution
- Ruth E. Winecker, Edward J. Cone, David J. Kuntz, Brian Dorsey, Martin Jacques, Melanie Senter, Ronald R. Flege4, and Eugene D. Hayes. Prevalence of Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabinol in Non-Regulated Workplace Drug Testing Urine Specimens. Submitted to SOFT Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Edward J. Cone, Tory R. Spindle, George E. Bigelow, Ruth E. Winecker, John M. Mitchell, David Kuntz, Ronald R. Flegel and Ryan Vandrey. Cannabidiol (CBD) Does Not Convert to Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC) in the Body But the THC-Contaminated CBD May Produce Positive Marijuana Drug Tests. Submitted to SOFT Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Martin Jacques and David J. Kuntz. Identification and Separation of Opioid Metabolites in Urine by LC-MS/MS. SOFT Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. October 7, 2018.
- Michael J. Herrera, David J. Kuntz, and Martin E. Jacques. Determination of an Alternate Source of Methcathinone in a Patient Sample. SOFT Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. October 21, 2015.
- Michael Herrera and David Kuntz. Novel Conversion of an Extraction Method to Dilute and Shoot Procedure for the Quantitation of 16 Benzodiazepines in Human Urine Using UPLC/MS/MS. SOFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL October 30, 2013.
- Michael Herrera and David J. Kuntz. Quantitative Chiral Determination of the d– and l- Enantiomers of Amphetamine & Methamphetamine in Oral Fluid using HPLC/MS/MS. SOFT Annual Meeting, Boston, MA July 4, 2012.
- Kuntz, M. Meixner, and M.J. Coffing. Performance Evaluation of DAT Oral Fluid Barbiturate Assay on Roche Hitachi. AACC Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA July 24-28, 2011.
- MJ Coffing, D. Kuntz, M. Meixner, K. Armstrong, B. Masters. Performance Evaluation of DAT Oral Fluid Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Opiates, and PCP. SOFT Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA October 2010.
- D. Kuntz, M. Meixner, K. Armstrong, and MJ Coffing. Performance Evaluation of DAT Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, and Opiates Assays on Roche Hitachi. AACC Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA , July 2010.
- A. Gantverg, D. Kuntz, M. Feldman, and L. Wang. Ethylglucuronide and Ethyl Sulfate as Markers of Ethanol Consumption. S.O.F.T. Meeting, Austin, TX, October 3-7, 2006.
- David J. Kuntz. “Pure CBD and CBD plus THC Metabolism Study.” MROALERT Vol XXXI, No 5. June 2020: Pages 1-2.
- David J. Kuntz. “Fentanyl in the Workplace.” What’s the Buzz. May 2020: Pages 8-9.
- David J. Kuntz. "Synthetic Cannabinoid Use in the Workplace. Drug Testing 2011-2015: Use Patterns and Prevalence." DATIA Focus. Spring 2016: Pages 28-33.
- David J. Kuntz. “Synthetic Cannabinoids are Constantly Evolving.” Drug Screen Compliance. Newsletter. May 2015.
- David J. Kuntz. “Synthetic Cannabinoids in the Workplace: Analysis of Three Years of Data.” DATIA Focus. Spring 2015: Pages 58-62.
- David J. Kuntz. “Synthetic Cannabinoids Continues to be Abused.” Drug Screening Compliance. Blog. August 2014.
- David J. Kuntz. “Testing for Alcohol Abuse in the Non-Regulated Workplace—Old and New Tests.” DATIA Focus. Summer 2014: Pages 44-45.
- David J. Kuntz. “Detecting Synthetic Urine – Team Approach Required.” DATIA Focus. Winter 2014: Pages 36-41.
- David J. Kuntz. “Emerging Alcohol Biomarkers.” Clinical & Forensic Toxicology News. September 2013.
- David J. Kuntz. “Synthetic Cannabinoids Prevalence in the Workplace: A Twelve-Month Evaluation by Clinical Reference Laboratory.” DATIA Focus. Winter 2013: Pages 18-22.
Book Chapters
- Advanced Analytical Techniques for the Confirmation of Drugs. Medical Review Officer Handbook. 10th Edition 2014. Published by AAMRO.
- Confirmation: Traditional and Newer Analytical Techniques. Co-Author. Handbook of Workplace Drug Testing. Second Edition, 2008. AACC Press.
- We are active members within the workplace drug testing community through training, discussions, and other programs in effort to advance our industry. Please contact us for additional information and resources.
Scientific & Scholarly Publications
- Svante Vikingsson, Ruth E Winecker, David J Kuntz, Michael Clark, Martin Jacques, E Dale Hart, Eugene D Hayes, Ronald R Flegel, Lisa S Davis, Fentanyl as a marker of illicit drug use in morphine-positive urine specimens from workplace drug testing, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Volume 48, Issue 3, April 2024, Pages 185–190, https://doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkae003
- C. Austin Zamarripa, Hayleigh E Tilton, Spencer Lin, Edward J Cone, Ruth E Winecker, Ronald R Flegel, David Kuntz, Melissa Beals, Martin Jacques, Michael Clark, Eric R Welsh, Lynn Wagner, Marcel O Bonn-Miller, Ryan Vandrey, Tory R Spindle, Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of five distinct commercially available hemp-derived topical cannabidiol products, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2024;, bkae001, https://doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkae001
- Svante Vikingsson, E Dale Hart, Ruth E Winecker, Edward J Cone, David J Kuntz, Michael Clark, Martin Jacques, Eugene D Hayes, Ronald R Flegel, Prevalence of ∆8-tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid in workplace drug testing, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2023;, bkad068, https://doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkad068
- Svante Vikingsson, Ruth E Winecker, Edward J Cone, David J Kuntz, Brian Dorsey, Martin Jacques, Melanie Senter, Ronald R Flegel, Eugene D Hayes, Prevalence of Cannabidiol, ∆9- and ∆8-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Metabolites in Workplace Drug Testing Urine Specimens, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Volume 46, Issue 8, October 2022, Pages 866–874, https://doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkac013
- What’s the Buzz - Emerging Drugs (Aug. ‘22). Download PDF
- MRO Alert (Aug. ‘21) Download PDF
- Sholler, D.J., Spindle, T.R., Cone, E.J., Goffi, E., Kuntz, D., Mitchell, J.M., Winecker, R.E., Bigelow, G.E., Flegel, R.R., and Vandrey, R. (2021) Urinary Pharmacokinetic Profile of Cannabidiol (CBD), Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and their Metabolites Following Oral and Vaporized CBD and Vaporized CBD-Dominant Cannabis Administration, Journal of Analytical Toxicology.
- Tory R. Spindle, Edward J. Cone, David Kuntz, John M. Mitchell, George E. Bigelow, Ronald Flegal, and Ryan Vandrey. Urinary Pharmacokinetic Profile of Cannabinoids Following Administration of Vaporized and Oral Cannabidiol and Vaporized CDB-Dominant Cannabis. J.Anal. Toxicol. 2020;109-125.
- A.K. Chaturvedi, J.L. Sershon, K.J. Craft, P.S. Cardona, J.W. Soper, D.V. Canfield, K.M. Dubowski, J.E. Whinnery, M.J. Leyva, C.E. Aston, S.M. Blevins, J.E. Wright, A.D. Fraser and D.J. Kuntz (2013) Effects of Fluid Load on Human Urine Characteristics Related to Workplace Drug Testing. J. Anal. Toxicol. 37:5-10.
- David Day, David J. Kuntz, Michael Feldman, and Lance Presley. Detection of THCA in Oral Fluid by GC-MS-MS. J. Anal. Toxicol. 30:645-650, 2006.
- Moore C, Feldman M, Harrison E, Rana S, Coulter C, Kuntz D, Agrawal A, Vincent M, Soares J. Disposition of Hydrocodone in Hair. J. Anal. Toxicol. 30:353-359, 2006.
- Kielman, MF, Rindapaa, M, Gaspar, C, van Poppel, N, Breukel, C, van Leeuwen, S, Taketo, MM, Roberts, S, Smits, R, Fodde, R. (2002 ) Apc modulates embryonic stem-cell differentiation by controlling the dosage of beta-catenin signaling, 32(4):594-605. Nature Genetics. Download PDF
- Stout, RL (1998) Hepatitis C Prevalence and the significance of liver enzymes elevations in the insurance population,Vol. 30, No. 1 J Insurance Medicine.
- Oda, RP, Prasad, R, Stout, RL, Coffin, D, Patton, WP, Kraft, DL, O’Brien, JE, Landers, JP (1997) Capillary electrophoresis-based separation of transferrin sialoforms in patients with carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, 18, 1819-1826, Electrophoresis.
- Prasad, R, Stout, RL, Coffin, D, Smith, JO (1997) Analysis of carbohydrate deficient transferrin by capillary zone electrophoresis, 18, 1814-1818, Electrophoresis.
- Prasad, RP, Stout, RL, Smith, JO (1993) Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin, Vol. 25, No. 4, J. Insurance Medicine.
- Thurman, EM, Pedersen, MJ, Stout, RL, Martin T (1991) Distinguishing Sympathomimetic Amines from Amphetamine and Methamphetamine in Urine by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, J. Analytical Toxicology.
- Stout, Robert L. (1990) Update-Urine HIV Statistics, Vol. 22, No. 4, J. Insurance Medicine.1980 – High Density Lipoproteins as a tool in Risk Evaluation of Coronary Heart Disease. Transactions of the Association of Insurance Medical Directors of America, Vol 64, pgs. 238-245.
- Stout, Robert L. (1989) Laboratory Analysis of Cocaine, Vol. 21, No. 3, J. Insurance Medicine. Stout, Robert L. (1989) Antibodies to HIV in Urine, Vol 21, No. 3, J. Insurance Medicine
Insurance Testing & Risk Assessment Publications
CRL researchers are always at the forefront of technology and scientific advancements for insurance testing and risk assessment. A comprehensive list of research articles is listed below by topic.
Can Lipoprotein(a) testing improve risk insights for individual life insurance applicants?
A 2024 CRL White Paper for Life Underwriting
Urine Protein and Urine Albumin
Low Cholesterol & Low Albumin Levels
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2015; 31(4):65-69
Albumin and All-Cause Mortality Risk in Insurance Applicants
J. Insurance Medicine. 2010;42:11-17
Mortality Associated with Bilirubin Levels in Insurance Applicants
J. Insurance Medicine. 2008;41:49-53
Changing the “Normal Range” for Blood Pressure from 140/90 to 130/Any Improves Risk Assessment
J. Insurance Medicine. 2015;45:28-33
2014 CRL Blood Pressure Study of Life Insurance Applicants
J. Insurance Medicine. 2015;45:17-27
2014 CRL Build Study of Life Insurance Applicants
J. Insurance Medicine. 2016;46:13-19
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2011;27(1):45-48
Association of Carcinoembryonic Antigen with Mortality in an Insurance Applicant Population
J. Insurance Medicine. 2019;48(1):24-35
Underwriting Implications of Elevated Carcinoembryonic Antigen
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2009;25(3):42-9
Increased Mortality Associated with Elevated Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Insurance Applicants
J. Insurance Medicine. 2007;39:251-8
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2010;26(1):46-52
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2006;22(2):58-61
Adjusting Measured Creatinine for Low Serum Glucose to Improve Mortality Prediction
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2015; 31(3):66-70
Beware that Low Urine Creatinine!
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2014;30(1):48-53
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2015; 31(2):58-61
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2010;26(2):46-51
Hemoglobin A1c and Mortality in Insurance Applicants: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2009;25(1):42-9
Relationship of Hemoglobin A1c to Mortality in Nonsmoking Insurance Applicants
J. Insurance Medicine. 2007;39:174-81
Using Urine Protein Creatinine Ratio Alone or Reflexing to Urine Albumin in the Applicant with HbA1c Elevation
On the Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2015; 31(1):62-54
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2011;27(4):30-5
J. Insurance Medicine 2015; 45:75-80
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2010;26(3):68-71
J. Insurance Medicine. 2012;43:67-75
Letter to the Editor: Modeling Total Cholesterol as Predictor of Mortality – The Low-Cholesterol Paradox
J. Insurance Medicine. 2012;43(1):50
Association of Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Cholesterol/HDL and Triglyceride with All-Cause Mortality in Life Insurance Applicants
J. Insurance Medicine. 2009;41:244-25
J. Insurance Medicine. 2008;40:191-203
Marijuana Use – Real Mortality Impact or all Just Smoke and Mirrors?
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2020;36:60-64
Mortality Associated with Testing Positive for Marijuana at an Insurance Examination
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2016;32(3):67-69
NT-proBNP as a Predictor of All-Cause Mortality in a Population of Insurance Applicants
J. Insurance Medicine. 2014;44:7-16.
Using NT-proBNP to Improve Risk Assessment for Applicants with Heart Disease
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2017;33(2):75-77
NT-proBNP Predicts All-Cause Mortality in a Population of Insurance Applicants, Follow-up Analysis and Further Observations
J. Insurance Medicine. 2017;47:107-113.
Evaluating the Risk of Renal Disease Using Urine Proteinuria or Urine Albuminuria in the Applicant with HbA1c Elevation
On the Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2014;30(4):55-59
Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio as a Mortality Risk Predictor in Non-Diabetics with Normal Renal Function
J. Insurance Medicine. 2012;43:76-83
Activity Level as a Mortality Predictor in a Population Sample after Typical Underwriting Exclusions and Laboratory Scoring
J. Insurance Medicine. 2020;48:124-135
Physical Activity and Laboratory Assessment
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2020;2020;36:22-26
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2012;28(2):32-7
Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 viral load in saliva samples in symptomatic and asymptomatic cases
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in the US Adult Asymptomatic Population as of September 30, 2020
JAMA. 2021;4(3):e211552.doi:10.1001/jama.2020.1382
SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Prevalence and Association with Routine Laboratory Values in a Life Insurance Applicant Population
medRxiv. 2020.09.09.20191296
J. Insurance Medicine 2014;44:93-98
J. Insurance Medicine. 2012;L43:169-177
On The Risk – Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting. 2009;25(2):56-9